Darren Ford would be called up, as would Brandon Crawford and many others who could fill the void for the list of DL casualties this season.
Not quite.
Did anyone think that the World Series champion San Francisco Giants, a team who prides themselves on coming in clutch when it counts, would give up even more ground in the NL West these last few weeks?
Would the Giants even make it to September 1?
Currently, they are six games back of the Arizona Diamondbacks with 26 games to play.
By the way the Giants' line-up is swinging the bat, and the way the Diamondbacks are swinging theirs, San Francisco will need a lot more than 27 games to complete that comeback.
"It's not over until it's over," some smart-aleck once said.
However, can you ignore what the radio listeners were calling in with this morning, and the radio hosts were agreeing with?
The overall consensus is that the Giants are done. A 7-0 loss at the hands of Randy Wells supports that.
Ya......Randy Wells.
Give the 2010 World Series champions until Sunday, though.
The Giants took us fans on a ride last season, and we owe it to them to at least hang on until Sunday night, where we will know how the Giants/Diamondbacks series went, and what the ultimate damage is.
From there, fans can decide for themselves whether there is still a little magic inside.
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